Ulmer Publishing

Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart: a well known name for all botanists and nature lovers in Germany.
A book from Ulmer, that always meant to hold high quality in your hands. Profound knowledge, professional content. All the books we studied from at the vocational school, at the master school, all from Ulmer.
Seen by that, I am more than humbled to be one of their free-lance writers for their floral magazine “florieren!”.
I fully recommend “florieren”. The monthly magazine informs about events, mainstreams, European flower design schools and of course of new designs and trends. They have a page called “Florisikschule” with study contents from renowned teachers in the field.
And last not least, I am writing for them ;)
Language: German
Pages: around 60
Price: ¥28,000 for 12 magazines 01 - 12

My longest connection with the writing world is with Ulmer Publishing in Stuttgart, Germany. Writing my first reports about Japan under Magda Storz, I am now happily contributing and exchanging with Edith Strupf, chief editor of "florieren!".
Writing is my second key to the world, I enjoy the flow of words as much as I enjoy the flow of flowers and colors.